My basic philosophy on health!​​
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My basic philosophy on health!​​
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Welcome to Food & Life


I’m a mother of two young daughters.

I’m not a fitness or health fanatic.

However, in the last decade, my life got completely transformed when I realized the power of consistently applying some basic principles on health. And, all I did was to integrate them in my lifestyle, until they became habits.

Through unique exposure to people in the field of optimum health, and nutritional medicine, I gradually started to make changes in my own life and for my family. It only took a couple of years to seeing absolutely amazing results in my own family’s life, and health for me became more and more of a passion.

I started out only with foods and quality vitamin supplements, and then gradually moving on to exercise and fitness.

Over the last decade I have interacted with literally thousands of people, many on a one to one basis and seen the life of many families change as a result of just doing a few things differently.

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My basic philosophy on health!​

What I Offer For Good Health?

Nutrition Coaching

Lose Weight

Cooking Resources

Children Nutrition


BK45- The Metabolic hack

The Bk-45 program is a powerful metabolic hack, a 45 day weightloss program specifically targeting reduction of visceral fat. It’s designed for busy  people on the move and uses 3 important scientific principles for weight management

Detox- Refresh your Soul

It is a 4 day DETOX program, specifically designed using foods and natural food-derived supplements, such as turmeric, Triphala and omega3,  known for their synergistic bio-chemical function to optimize liver healing, inflammation and health in general.

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