Wake up call : Obesity in india is becoming epidemic. Many people (maybe even many of you reading this!) are not within the acceptable range of body weight. Yes, let’s not live in denial here.
So – we are NOT talking about obesity… we are talking about the stubborn 4-5 kg of visceral fat, that can even easily be hidden under a salwar kameez or a tucked out shirt….and make a person look perfectly fit, but you know the truth when you look in the mirror.
Health risks of carrying even a small collection of visceral fat include:
- Increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high bp, stroke and even certain types of cancer.
- Some medical studies goes as far as saying that excess visceral fat increases the risk of above diseases by 3-4 times….
According to a CNN article
“Obesity has led to a host of other health woes growing at an alarming rate in India, including hypertension and diabetes. India is on track to own the unenviable title of diabetic capital of the worldâ€. And the rate of obesity has doubled in india, last 10 years. and the rate of obesity in india has doubled in the last 10 years (https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/health/nfhs-4-highlights-india-has-become-obese-more-than-doubled-in-one-decade-only-52527)
My personal observation is that successful weight management depends on two things. Firstly, to develop a conviction that overweight is unacceptable and carries with it a big price to pay. And secondly, basic sound principles that can be developed into daily habits, for example to substitute excess carbohydrates with quality plant based proteins.
After having my second daughter, who is now 6 years old, I like most mothers struggled with an unwanted collection of abdominal fat. Within 1 year of giving birth, I was back to the same weight as 5 years before…
How? Simply by sticking to 4 basic principles:
- Daily increased intake of especially vegetables and complex carbohydrates
- Increasing protein, and reducing my carbohydrate intake after 6 p.m. and only consume high fiber, and proteins from all plant source at night. Doing this without using a quality all plant protein supplement is nearly impossible.
- Not leaving more than 3 hour gaps between eating something. And replacing wrong snacking with nuts and quality plant based proteins.
- Proper guidance and accountability to someone – its tough doing this on your own!